Menopause Champion

Keeping the conversation of menopause alive in an organisation really is the key to ensuring that a culture of menopause support is developed. Menopause Champions play a pivotal role in this through campaigning, educating others and creating the opportunity for further conversation. This course is suitable for those that are passionate about raising awareness of menopause and want to ensure a culture of understanding and support for their colleagues.
As a Menopause Champion you will be able to:
• Identify effective methods for promoting awareness of menopause in the workplace.
• Highlight the common stigma that surrounds the menopause and know what action needs to be taken to combat this.
• Act as a trustworthy point of contact to support others on their menopause journeys.
• Effectively signpost both employees and managers to internal and external sources of support.
• Build a forum whereby colleagues can regularly come together to discuss menopause and participate in any awareness campaigns.
6.5 hours
Up to 15 per course
Online or Face-To-Face
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